2016 Nashville Needlework Market coming up....

Finally I get to blog... I didn't realize how I would miss it until I couldn't do it. Our nice little website was hacked into and locked us out so we had some issues to deal with.... and here we are but a week away from the Needlework market. It will be short as of course at this time of year we are low on any extra time but I was so pleased that Word Press let me in today that I had to say a little something.

I hope that you had a chance to see from your favourite needlework store some of the upcoming goods from everyone, looks like market will be fun to go to. Am pleased to be part of it. But before I go there I leave tomorrow for Seattle and the NWSG - and have a wonderful weekend of events there. I know.... right..... the timing is not the best for me, but Wilma and I were just saying we have never been this organized for Nashville because we had to be. But of course there are issues..... my thread from Australia hasn't arrived yet, despite being sent in January. My printer had their big I-gen printing machine go on the fritz, so all my printing was  quite a few days late, Wilma and I were sweating it out waiting for the patterns to come so we get them out to ship in a timely fashion and not worry my head off if they will make it in time. But in the end one does what one can..... and..... now it is making signage and fixing prices- price sheets etc.  and making piles in the office of this goes here, that goes there..... and packing for Seattle. I am really looking forward to meeting the ladies at this event, it is lovely to be going to the coast. Landlocked Alberta is looking pretty sad, the snow has melted from all the chinook type weather and the grass is brown. Green will be nice.

I hope that my photo will add for you, I posted it on Facebook earlier in the week and had fun making this collage type picture. There will be 6 new patterns, along with some Patterned Pretties, if you are collecting them, and a collaboration with Paulette of PSS and a Free chart, that spawned a cute little addition.... I will say no more.....

We will load the new things as soon as we can make the website work for us.... as you see the Designs page is blank. We will see what shapes up for us. In the meantime I do hope that you check with your local shop they are so good about getting everything uploaded from market etc. - we work hard to get there, and then they work hard at the show and post show getting it to you.

Cheerio, enjoy your stitching till next time......